cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/acpi/acpidump acpi.c acpidump.c
Takanori Watanabe
takawata at
Mon Oct 4 19:37:53 PDT 2004
In message <200410050218.i952IrBK008982 at>, Nate Lawson wrote
>njl 2004-10-05 02:18:53 UTC
> FreeBSD src repository
> Modified files:
> usr.sbin/acpi/acpidump acpi.c acpidump.c acpidump.h
> Log:
> Add the -s flag to make dumping SSDTs optional (disabled by default).
> Since we can only override the DSDT, a custom ASL dumped previously that
> contained SSDTs would result in lots of multiple definition errors.
> A longer-term fix involves adding the ability to override SSDTs to ACPI-CA.
iasl(8) may have to be able to compile multiple AML codes from single
ASL data, instead of merging SSDT into DSDT in acpidump(8).
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