cvs commit: src/sys/dev/vkbd vkbd.c vkbd_var.h
src/sys/modules/vkbd Makefile
Philip Paeps
philip at
Wed Nov 17 00:30:02 GMT 2004
On 2004-11-16 10:35:49 (-0800), Brooks Davis <brooks at> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 10:28:37AM -0800, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> > i think i see where you are going. you are probably thinking about some
> > sort of lights-out management where you use only network connection to
> > control box remotely, a-la pc-weasel and eric cards. am i close?
> I'm primairly intrested in solving the problem of machines with a AT
> keyboard controller (which currently attached non-existant keyboards to
> allow hot-pluging) and a USB keyboard.
Is the problem that the USB keypresses are just not getting through because
the system thinks that the AT keyboard is The One And Only Keyboard Present?
> The second case I'm intrested in is a LOM card. In one case I've seen one
> present the keyboard as a USB keyboard which means you need to support two
> USB keyboards.
My idea would be to feed all 'input events' from hardware drivers into a
pseudo-driver, serialize it, and send it on to the higher layers of the
system. I see no real reason why we should't allow a user to start typing a
command on one keyboard, finish it on another, and hit <cr> on a third. Why
anyone would want to do that is beyond me, but it should be possible.
Mmm, one reason I can think of is wireless keyboards: one runs out of
batteries, stick in another one, go on from where you left off without
frantically looking for a petrol station willing to sell you the right kind of
batteries in the middle of the night when batteries are prone to run out and
you're desperate to finish what you're typing :-)
- Philip
Philip Paeps Please don't Cc me, I am
philip at subscribed to the list.
BOFH Excuse #331:
those damn raccoons!
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