cvs commit: src/lib/libc/net eui64.3 eui64.c src/share/man/man5 Makefile eui64.5 src/sys/sys eui64.h src/tools/regression/lib/libc/net Makefile test-eui64.h test-eui64_aton.c test-eui64_line.c test-eui64_ntoa.c

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Thu May 27 15:49:06 PDT 2004

On Thu, May 27, 2004 at 03:01:43PM -0700, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > 
> > Is the copyright correct?  For example:
> > 
> > # head -2 src/share/man/man5/eui64.5
> > .\" Copyright (c) 1995
> > .\"	Bill Paul <wpaul at>.  All rights reserved.
> I think so.  The files with wpaul copyrights were all derived from
> files he wrote by copying them and editing them.  I basicly changed
> the code to handle 8-byte strings instead of 6-byte ones (plus some
> extra flexability in the parsing) and changed the API to eliminate the
> old style non-thread safe functions.  The main code and concept is
> his.  There's definatly enough of his code there for it to have his
> copyright.  I don't think there's enough new code to warrent adding mine
> (Aerospace's), but I will if someone how understands derivative works
> better says I should.

IANAL, but from a legal perspective it's probably better to add
your name to the copyright notice. Suppose there is no disclaimer of
warranty, then wpaul@ surely doesn't want to be held responsible
for this code, whether of not it was derived from his code. The
copyright probably also needs to be exact in terms of who owns
what part of the code in that case (to make sure it is known who is
liable when the faulty code construct is identified). I think the
basics do not change when there is a disclaimer of warranty, it's
just that most of the details become moot points since none of the
copyright holds are liable.

Just my unfounded take on this...

 Marcel Moolenaar	  USPA: A-39004		 marcel at

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