cvs commit: src/share/mk src/sys/conf files src/sys/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm Makefile

Garance A Drosihn drosih at
Thu Mar 18 11:45:22 PST 2004

At 9:28 AM -0800 3/18/04, David O'Brien wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 18, 2004, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>Just to be clear -- I'm not against supporting a 2nd compiler
>in /usr/src at all.  Just don't think Intel is the most gracious
>compiler vendor.  I'll also strongly push back on ever using
>'icc' as part of the release build.

I personally think this is the main point.  It is perfectly
reasonable for people to fix our base-system source such that
FreeBSD can be compiled with any reasonably-modern C compiler.
This gives users the option of using a non-gcc compiler, and
it gives us the ability to benchmark gcc against *something*,
instead of just saying "well, gcc is all there is, so we'll
take whatever compiler they are willing to produce".

That doesn't mean we're going to start shipping FreeBSD compiled
on Intel's compiler.  If we switch away from using gcc for the
official distributions, then we should use some other compiler
that works on all platforms.  And by "all", I mean "sparc, ppc,
alpha".  I suspect it will be a mighty cold day in hell before
Intel's compiler will support those chips.  I also doubt Intel
would want us shipping FreeBSD with their compiler pre-installed
(for *everyone* to use) even for just i386 platforms.  We should
only distribute FreeBSD as compiled with a compiler that we can
ship with FreeBSD.  IMO.

Other than that, I think this thread can pretty much die.  There
is no information content after those points.  We're just going
to trade little snips back and forth, and that is bound to just
make matters worse.  No, I do NOT care who started it.  Just stop
it, please.  Everyone.  Stop.  Write some code.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at

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