cvs commit: src/sys/conf files.i386 files.pc98 options.i386 options.pc98 src/sys/i386/conf NOTES src/sys/i386/isa isa_compat.c isa_device.h pcf.c

M. Warner Losh imp at
Mon Mar 15 01:53:21 PST 2004

In message: <20040314231854.B99831 at pooker.samsco.home>
            Scott Long <scottl at> writes:
: Warner verified that many of the drivers didn't actually work.  So when

Warner was unable to verify that the drivers actually worked.  His
repeated attempts to get people to tell him about success stories
resulted in the set of {stl,cy} being confirmed as still working.
Warner then bought this hardware with his own money, and started
spending time making them work in the new world order.  Warner is
annoyed at the carping people do about this and politely suggests that
people do something *ANYTHING* to make things better rather than
complaining.  I went the extra mile here and if you don't like it,
that's your problem, not mine.


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