cvs commit: src/sys/dev/ctau ctau.c

John Polstra jdp at
Sat Mar 6 11:49:01 PST 2004

On 05-Mar-2004 Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> John Baldwin <jhb at> writes:
>> "Fix tinderbox builds" doesn't imply that the tinderbox itself is broken and 
>> that's not the impression I got at all when I read it.  We all know what the 
>> tinderbox is and the value of its service (such as finding glitches like 
>> above).  Please don't be so touchy about anything which mentions tinderbox 
>> assuming that it's being slammed when it's not.
> well, given the number of "this works fine here, what is the tinderbox
> doing wrong" comments I get...

I am totally sympathetic to your position, DES!  It took me about
5 years to stop getting pissed off about all the "Latest CVSup is
totally broken!" subject lines that were actually referring to state
of the FreeBSD source tree.  Anybody doing a google search would
probably think CVSup was the shoddiest piece of software in the
world. :-(


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