cvs commit: src/lib/libc/locale setlocale.c

Peter Jeremy PeterJeremy at
Tue Mar 2 00:28:17 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 05:55:21PM +0000, Colin Percival wrote:
>  We really need to get some access checks put in place to stop things
>like this from happening...

Presumably these are just accidental events - a committer has missed
the entry in MAINTAINERS or a "tree locked" notice.  In most cases,
they are probably just as embarrassing for the committer as they are
annoying for other affected parties.  In this case, what is needed is
some sort of warning message "You are committing to a locked branch
and haven't included an 'Approved by' line.  Are you sure you want to

It would seem fairly trivial to turn src/MAINTAINERS into a file
that can be parsed by (eg) CVSROOT*/ and generate
a suitable warning.

Obviously, this won't stop deliberate transgressions - but the
Project already has various procedures to handle those.


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