cvs commit: src/sys/compat/ndis kern_ndis.c ndis_var.h subr_ndis.c

Bill Paul wpaul at
Mon Jan 26 13:21:56 PST 2004

wpaul       2004/01/26 13:21:53 PST

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/compat/ndis      kern_ndis.c ndis_var.h subr_ndis.c 
  Reorganize the timer code a little and implement NdisInitializeTimer()
  and NdisCancelTimer(). NdisInitializeTimer() doesn't accept an NDIS
  miniport context argument, so we have to derive it from the timer
  function context (which is supposed to be the adapter private context).
  NdisCancelTimer is now an alias for NdisMCancelTimer().
  Also add stubs for NdisMRegisterDevice() and NdisMDeregisterDevice().
  These are no-ops for now, but will likely get fleshed in once I start
  working on the Am1771/Am1772 wireless driver.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.34      +8 -6      src/sys/compat/ndis/kern_ndis.c
  1.19      +3 -0      src/sys/compat/ndis/ndis_var.h
  1.39      +85 -11    src/sys/compat/ndis/subr_ndis.c

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