cvs commit: src/contrib/gcc FREEBSD-Xlist FREEBSD-deletelist getopt.c getopt.h getopt1.c

Andrey Chernov ache at
Tue Feb 17 17:38:02 PST 2004

On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 02:37:51PM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
> >   Modified files:
> >     contrib/gcc          FREEBSD-Xlist FREEBSD-deletelist 
> We don't remove very unused file in src/contrib, just ones that are
> logical subcomonantes.  This is handled in our Bmake files.  Please don't
> go deleting every single file like this you find w/o talking to the
> person that does most of the imports.

Hmm. Seeeng FREEBSD-deletelist and FREEBSD-Xlist I find that we _do_
remove unused files in contrib, I just add few there. Technical reason
behind it is removing getopt.h only because it used inplace of system
getopt.h. We can, of course use -I${DESTDIR}/usr/include in Makefiles, but
it is more ugly then removing getopt.h. And when getopt.h is removed,
there is no sense to keep unused corresponding getopt*.c

Andrey Chernov |

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