cvs commit: src/usr.bin/fetch fetch.c

Mark Murray markm at FreeBSD.ORG
Mon Aug 16 03:35:11 PDT 2004

=?iso-8859-1?q?Dag-Erling_Sm=F8rgrav?= writes:
> Mark Murray <markm at FreeBSD.ORG> writes:
> > If you are fetching something (usually happens with "make fetch" in
> > ports/), and there is a line outage (happens on my ISDN line sometimes,
> > fetch does not recover. The progress meter freezes on wherever it was
> > and fetch stops doing anything. A ^C breaks out of it, but that obviously
> > messes up a big fetch :-).
> 'man fetch', look for the -T option.

I saw that; but how come "ftp ${URL}" works through "normal" network short
outages where "fetch ${URL}" does not? Hanging rather than failing seems 
wrong to me.

Mark Murray
iumop ap!sdn w,I idlaH

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