cvs commit: src/sys/netgraph/atm ng_ccatm.hsrc/sys/netgraph/atm/ccatm ng_ccatm.c ng_ccatm_cust.h

Hartmut Brandt harti at
Thu Aug 12 07:22:00 PDT 2004

harti       2004-08-12 14:22:00 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Added files:
    sys/netgraph/atm     ng_ccatm.h 
    sys/netgraph/atm/ccatm ng_ccatm.c ng_ccatm_cust.h 
  This is the netgraph node framework for the user side call control
  node for ATM. This node implements the API to the signalling services.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +1198 -0   src/sys/netgraph/atm/ccatm/ng_ccatm.c (new)
  1.1       +54 -0     src/sys/netgraph/atm/ccatm/ng_ccatm_cust.h (new)
  1.1       +170 -0    src/sys/netgraph/atm/ng_ccatm.h (new)

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