cvs commit: src/usr.bin/mklocale yacc.ysrc/lib/libc/ gb2312.c setrunelocale.c

LI Dong ld at
Thu Nov 6 05:06:50 PST 2003


The charset of GB2312 and eucCN is the same, but most of Chinese 
applications need GB2312 locale.

As the latest national standard, GB18030 is a forced standard for OSs 
salle in China mainland. So GB18030 is very important for FreeBSD to 
ship in China markets.

And, I am team leader of FreeBSD Simplified Chinese Documentation 
Project, we focus the GB18030 encoding and locale. We also have plan to 
make Chinese ports supporting GB18030 well, the system locale of GB18030 
is our base.



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