cvs commit: src/release/alpha drivers.conf
Daniel C. Sobral
dcs at
Tue May 20 06:15:14 PDT 2003
Scott Long wrote:
> The second step is to make it easy to package, deliver, and load driver
> update disks. Defining a standard floppy format can be debated of
> course, and doesn't matter a whole lot as long as it conveys enough
> information for the user and installer to intelligently use it.
> However, I do assert that this is much easier to do from the installer
> than from the loader. With the kernel completely stripped down, it
> should be pretty straight-forward for the installer to load and unload
> modules at the users' request. Doing the same from the loader is also
> possible, but let's face it: there are few people on the planet that
> want to program in ficl. Let's leave that realm to tweaking hints and
Alas, the floppy disk loader doesn't come with ficl at all. :-)
There are many other reasons why doing it from loader isn't such a good
idea. We want a system that is flexible at _run_ time, not at boot time.
Bringing the complexity implied by such a system to loader is
duplicating efforts, at best.
> tunables that can't be changed once the kernel is running (Of course,
> I've now opened the door for a meta-discussion on the merits of ficl in
> the loader vs. ${your_favorite_interpreter}).
At one point, very early in my involvement with loader(8), I told jkh
and msmith that I didn't think using ficl was a good idea. I still think
so, because Forth is not a scripting language, which, IMO, is what we
really want. Jordan pointed me to ficl's size and told me that he would
happyly switch to anything that came anywhere near that size.
Now... even leaving the fact that jkh and msmith are not with us at this
point, that basically means that ficl doesn't have any backers on it's
merits as a language. At least, where loader(8) is concerned.
> The third step is to make the installer actually install the
> user-supplied drivers. Right now sysinstall has an option for loading
> KLD's from floppy, but that is all that it does. It doesn't help much
> when the driver you are loading is the storage driver for your
> installtion, and once you reboot the driver is not loaded automatically.
This is what loader(8) is intended for. You tell it what has to be in
memory at the time control is passed to kernel, and what kernel must be
told about it's environment that it can't find out correctly by itself
with the methods it has available at that point, and loader(8) goes and
does that for you.
One reason why loader.conf(5) makes me proud. :-)
Daniel C. Sobral (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail: Daniel.Capo at
Daniel.Sobral at
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capo at
There once was a hacker named Ken
Who inherited truckloads of Yen.
So he built him some chicks,
Of silicon chips,
And hasn't been heard from since then.
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