cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_output.c

Mike Silbersack silby at
Tue Mar 25 22:30:20 PST 2003

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Maxime Henrion wrote:

> Looks like there is a bug in this code.  I tried to understand what's
> wrong in the if_xl code that tries to deal with mbuf chains containing
> more than XL_MAXFRAGS mbufs, and noticed that m_head->m_pkthdr.len isn't
> set properly.  The length of an mbuf chain shouldn't change when we're
> just splitting it into more mbufs, so this is kinda weird.  Using
> m_fixhdr() just after the splitting code solves it, but that's probably
> just a workaround, and either m_split() or the MBUF_FRAG_TEST code needs
> to be fixed.

Hm, the bug's probably in the frag test code.  I'll take a look at it
later tonight, but you're welcome to fix it in the meantime.

Sorry about the m_copypacket confusion, I misremembered how the
error case was handled.  Looks like I overstated the seriousness (or
existence?) of this problem.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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