cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/asf Makefile asf.c
Juli Mallett
jmallett at
Sun Jun 8 00:13:54 PDT 2003
* Greg Lehey <grog at> [ Date: 2003-06-08 ]
[ w.r.t. cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/asf Makefile asf.c ]
> grog 2003/06/07 23:18:13 PDT
> FreeBSD src repository
> Added files:
> usr.sbin/asf Makefile asf.c
> Log:
> Introducing asf, a helper program for kernel debugging.
This looks pretty messy and doesn't even have a license on it.
Will it be tied to the build? Any reason it doesn't use the
getopt(3) function, or in any way look like the normal BSD
style for utilities? Please use a paths.h instead of the
evilly hardcoded program paths.
If this won't be tied up to the build it should probably be
in src/tools, and I'd argue it should be there anyway.
juli mallett. email: jmallett at; efnet: juli;
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