cvs commit: src/sys/compat/ndis subr_ndis.c subr_ntoskrnl.c
Doug Rabson
dfr at
Sat Dec 13 02:17:17 PST 2003
I think the difference between Jan 1 1601 and Jan 1 1970 is 11644473600
seconds. Thats the conversion factor I have in my cross-platform game
engine code anyway.
On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 22:35, Bill Paul wrote:
> wpaul 2003/12/12 14:35:13 PST
> FreeBSD src repository
> Modified files:
> sys/compat/ndis subr_ndis.c subr_ntoskrnl.c
> Log:
> Implement some more NDIS and ntoskrnl API calls:
> subr_ndis.c: NdisGetCurrentSystemTime() which, according to the
> Microsoft documentation returns "the number of 100 nanosecond
> intervals since January 1, 1601." I have no idea what's so special
> about that epoch or why they chose 100 nanosecond ticks. I don't
> know the proper offset to convert nanotime() from the UNIX epoch
> to January 1, 1601, so for now I'm just doing the unit convertion
> to 100s of nanoseconds.
> subr_ntoskrnl.c: memcpy(), memset(), ExInterlockedPopEntrySList(),
> ExInterlockedPushEntrySList().
> The latter two are different from InterlockedPopEntrySList()
> and InterlockedPushEntrySList() in that they accept a spinlock to
> hold while executing, whereas the non-Ex routines use a lock
> internal to ntoskrnl. I also modified ExInitializePagedLookasideList()
> and ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList() to initialize mutex locks
> within the lookaside structures. It seems that in NDIS 5.0,
> the lookaside allocate/free routines ExInterlockedPopEntrySList()
> and ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(), which require the use of the
> per-lookaside spinlock, whereas in NDIS 5.1, the per-lookaside
> spinlock is deprecated. We need to support both cases.
> Note that I appear to be doing something wrong with
> ExInterlockedPopEntrySList() and ExInterlockedPushEntrySList():
> they don't appear to obtain proper pointers to their arguments,
> so I'm probably doing something wrong in terms of their calling
> convention (they're declared to be FASTCALL in Widnows, and I'm
> not sure what that means for gcc). It happens that in my stub
> lookaside implementation, they don't need to do any work anyway,
> so for now I've hacked them to always return NULL, which avoids
> corrupting the stack. I need to do this right though.
> Revision Changes Path
> 1.3 +17 -0 src/sys/compat/ndis/subr_ndis.c
> 1.2 +62 -0 src/sys/compat/ndis/subr_ntoskrnl.c
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