cvs commit: src/share/man/man7 development.7

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Fri Aug 22 10:38:39 PDT 2003

On 2003.08.22 10:12:55 -0700, Nate Lawson wrote:
> njl         2003/08/22 10:12:55 PDT
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     share/man/man7       development.7 
>   Log:
>   Add a section on maintaining a local branch in CVS.

John Polstra recently said that sometimes cvsup could delete the local
changes, so he recomened backup of the local tree before each backup.

At least I think the warning should be included in the manual page.

Part of the mail from John Polstra :

> Any advice?

Yes: look for a different approach, or at least backup your local
repository frequently.  There are known bugs in CVSup which can cause
it to throw away your local branch under certain circumstances.  I
won't have time to fix those issues any time soon.  So my advice is,
don't use the CVS_LOCAL_BRANCH_NUM feature.

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team
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