cvs commit: src/sbin/growfs debug.c debug.h
Juli Mallett
jmallett at
Fri Aug 15 19:20:39 PDT 2003
* Nate Lawson <nate at> [ Date: 2003-08-14 ]
[ w.r.t. Re: cvs commit: src/sbin/growfs debug.c debug.h ]
> > > The actual problem I am addressing is larger than growfs. Basically, any
> > > time a sblock change is made, every UFS utility in the system has to be
> > > updated and growfs has not kept up. So I have extracted sblock updating
> > > into a routine that is shared between the kernel and userland so that it's
> > > only in one place in the code. But more work is needed before it can be
> > > committed.
> >
> > Well, I'd say that libufs is already a right step in this direction.
> It also needs work but is outside the scope of what I'm doing.
Can you tell me what? I'm sure someone is interested in doing it, and
depending on what it is, that may be me. I have some things in mind
regarding how "elegant" it is to try to move to more robust interfaces,
but that's beside the point. If there are deficiencies you hit, let
me know.
juli mallett. email: jmallett at; efnet: juli; aim: bsdflata;
i have lost my way home early - i don't care cause i won't stay there.
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