cvs commit: projects/cvsweb ChangeLog README.FreeBSD cvsweb.cgi

Ville Skyttä scop at
Sun Oct 5 13:14:51 PDT 2003

scop        2003/10/05 13:14:50 PDT

  FreeBSD projects repository

  Modified files:
    cvsweb               ChangeLog README.FreeBSD cvsweb.cgi 
  Show contents of README.cvs(.html) in the dir view header if such a file
  is present in the directory.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.105     +3 -0      projects/cvsweb/ChangeLog
  1.22      +3 -0      projects/cvsweb/README.FreeBSD
  1.212     +34 -0     projects/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi

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