Greeting's, My dear, My name is Mrs.Konatan this country Mali is in war and high political deadlock, there is high level of killings and assassinations going on in this country now, because of these conditions and my health, I want to transfer my money and my only son to you now in your country your help is highly needed immediately. REPLY IMMEDIATELY WITH THIS PRIVAT E-MAIL: konatan_s at FOR MORE INFORMATIONS. My Regards. Mrs.Konatan recommended this newsletter!
Huffington Post Forwarding System
dailybrief at
Mon Mar 4 18:06:10 UTC 2013
Greeting's, My dear, My name is Mrs.Konatan this country Mali is in war and high political deadlock, there is high level of killings and assassinations going on in this country now, because of these conditions and my health, I want to transfer my money and my only son to you now in your country your help is highly needed immediately. REPLY IMMEDIATELY WITH THIS PRIVAT E-MAIL: konatan_s at FOR MORE INFORMATIONS. My Regards. Mrs.Konatan recommended this newsletter!
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