cvs commit: ports/x11/xscreensaver Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/x11/xscreensaver/files

Doug Barton dougb at
Sat Oct 1 06:05:37 UTC 2011

dougb       2011-10-01 06:05:36 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    x11/xscreensaver     Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
  Update to version 5.15  28-Sep-2011
  New hacks, hilbert, companioncube and tronbit.
  Image-manipulating hacks can now load from RSS or Atom feeds,
          imageDirectory may contain a URL.
  Updated webcollage for recent search engine changes.
  photopile sped up.
  New molecule in molecule.
  For port:
  Add dependencies on www/p5-libwww and graphics/netpbm for
  webcollage and vidwhacker. Add a tiny patch to vidwhacker.
  Install the xscreensaver-properties.desktop file, it's useful
  for more than gnome (e.g., XFCE).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.118     +11 -4     ports/x11/xscreensaver/Makefile
  1.62      +2 -2      ports/x11/xscreensaver/distinfo
  1.12      +0 -31     ports/x11/xscreensaver/files/
  1.68      +7 -0      ports/x11/xscreensaver/pkg-plist

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