cvs commit: ports/editors/vim/files patch-01

Doug Barton dougb at
Wed Oct 13 03:48:22 UTC 2010

On 10/12/2010 1:03 PM, David E. O'Brien wrote:
> obrien      2010-10-12 20:03:06 UTC
>    FreeBSD ports repository
>    Modified files:
>      editors/vim/files    patch-01
>    Log:
>    Do not install icons by default.  The destination directories aren't
>    "owned" by Vim and this causes trouble packaging depending on Vim
>    flavor chosen.
>    Revision  Changes    Path
>    1.30      +5 -0      ports/editors/vim/files/patch-01

The usual way that this is handled is to go ahead and install the icons, 
but use @dirrmtry to remove the directories. That way if they are still 
populated by other ports they will remain, but your vim package won't 
throw an error.




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depth of knowledge in the DNS.   |   but nothin' changes much.
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