cvs commit: ports/japanese/bugzilla Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

QAT at QAT at
Sat Apr 17 04:42:14 UTC 2010

The Restless Daemon identified a mtree error while trying to build:
 ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6 maintained by tota at
 Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/japanese/bugzilla/Makefile,v 1.11 2010/04/17 04:21:43 tota Exp $

Excerpt from :

===>   Generating temporary packing list
===>  Checking if japanese/bugzilla already installed
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template
/bin/cp -pR /work/a/ports/japanese/bugzilla/work/ja /usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template
===>   Registering installation for ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6
====================<phase 7: make package>====================
===>  Building package for ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6
Creating package /tmp/packages/All/ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6.tbz
Registering depends: bugzilla-3.6 p5-Email-MIME-1.903_1 p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.313 p5-MIME-Base64-3.09 p5-DBI-1.60.9 p5-Template-GD-2.66 p5-Template-Toolkit-2.22_1 p5-AppConfig-1.66 p5-Email-Send-2.198_1 p5-Class-Accessor-0.34 p5-DateTime-0.55 p5-DateTime-TimeZone-1.10 p5-Class-Singleton-1.4 p5-DateTime-Locale-0.45 p5-Params-Validate-0.94 p5-PatchReader-0.9.5 p5-Return-Value-1.666001 p5-Storable-2.21 p5-TimeDate-1.20,1 p5-UNIVERSAL-require-0.13 p5-GD-Graph-1.44.01_4 p5-GD-TextUtil-0.86_3 p5-GD-2.44_2 gd-2.0.35_7,1 fontconfig-2.8.0,1 freetype2-2.3.11 pkg-config-0.23_1 jpeg-8_1 p5-Chart-2.4.1_4 png-1.4.1_1 p5-List-MoreUtils-0.25.02 p5-Digest-SHA-5.48 p5-URI-1.54 p5-Email-Simple-2.100 p5-Email-MessageID-1.401 p5-Email-Address-1.88.9 p5-MIME-Types-1.29 p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.01.5 patchutils-0.3.1 p5-HTML-Parser-3.64 p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20 p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.08 perl-5.10.1 expat-2.0.1_1.
Registering conflicts: bugzilla-2.*.
Creating bzip'd tar ball in '/tmp/packages/All/ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6.tbz'
Deleting ja-bugzilla-ja-3.6

=== Checking filesystem state
list of extra files and directories in / (not present before this port was installed but present after it was deinstalled)
49248606        4 drwxr-xr-x    3 root             wheel                 512 Apr 13 15:30 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja
49248609        4 drwxr-xr-x    7 root             wheel                 512 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default
49249336        4 drwxr-xr-x    4 root             wheel                 512 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin
49249351        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                1024 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin/params
49249356        8 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                2726 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin/params/advanced.html.tmpl
49249359       12 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                4660 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin/params/general.html.tmpl
49249454        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                 512 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin/classifications
49249459        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1046 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/admin/classifications/footer.html.tmpl
49249497        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                1024 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/reports
49249517        8 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                2243 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/reports/delete-series.html.tmpl
49249532        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                 512 Apr 13 15:31 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions
49249533        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1446 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/
49249535        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1327 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/
49249536        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1373 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/hook-readme.txt.tmpl
49249537        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1850 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/name-readme.txt.tmpl
49249538        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1199 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/
49249539        8 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                2062 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/extensions/license.txt.tmpl
49249586        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                 512 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/email
49249592        4 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                1510 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/email/lockout.txt.tmpl
49249618        4 drwxr-xr-x    2 root             wheel                1024 Apr 17 04:41 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/bug
49249664        8 -rw-r--r--    1 root             wheel                2201 Apr 13 15:29 usr/local/www/data/bugzilla/template/ja/default/bug/show-header.html.tmpl
build of /usr/ports/japanese/bugzilla ended at Sat Apr 17 04:41:48 UTC 2010

PortsMon page for the port:

The build which triggered this BotMail was done under
tinderbox-3.3_3; dsversion: 3.2.1 on RELENG_8 on amd64, kern.smp.cpus: 8
with tinderd_flags="-nullfs -plistcheck -onceonly" and ccache support, with the
"official" up-to-date Ports Tree, with the following vars set:

A description of the testing process can be found here:

Thanks for your work on making FreeBSD better,

QAT - your friendly neighborhood Daemon,
preparing  a heck of an error trapping system:
 - "HMC and EOI?"
 - "Halt, Melt and Catch fire or Execute Operator Immediately."

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