cvs commit: ports/net/ekiga pkg-plist

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at
Sat Jan 26 10:28:50 PST 2008

On субота 26 січень 2008, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
= Well, it's not only for package. What about users' systems that use ports?  
= What if one of user decide to uninstall ekiga? It will ending up with  
= leftover files in their system. Bump is need to have their system clean.  
= As for not like to build again, perhaps we need to come up with new  
= *VERSION like PLISTVERSION that will only fix plist without have to  
= rebuild.

We don't need to come with anything for this case -- the timestamp on 
pkg-plist can (almost) always be compared with that 
of /var/db/pkg/FOO/+CONTENTS


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