cvs commit: ports/x11-fm/gnome-commander2 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/x11-fm/gnome-commander2/files

Marcelo Araujo araujobsdport at
Tue Aug 19 18:34:43 UTC 2008

> You can blame me on this part when I helped Jens. I got same error with 
> transmission as the autoreconf needs you to install dependencies (automake, 
> alocal, etc). I added this below to solve my problem.
> USE_AUTOTOOLS=	autoconf:262:env aclocal:19:env automake:19:env 
> libtool:15:env
> Cheers,
> Mezz

Hi dear Mezz,

Then, isn't your blame, thanks by fast reply this mail.

Marcelo Araujo
araujo at
The more boring and out-of-date the magazines in the
waiting room, the longer you will have to wait for
your scheduled appointment.
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