cvs commit: ports/security/prelude-manager Makefile distinfo

Cheng-Lung Sung clsung at
Wed Oct 24 19:16:58 PDT 2007

clsung      2007-10-25 02:16:57 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    security/prelude-manager Makefile distinfo 
  - Update to 0.9.10
  Changelog prelude-manager-0.9.10:
  - Make threshold act like a real threshold: pass every Nth events
    in the defined amount of seconds.
  - Allow mixing Limit and Threshold.
  - Do not share the tresholding hash accross thresholding plugin instance:
    previously, the shared hash would result in strange thresholding plugin
    behavior if you had several instance of thresholding loaded.
  - Various bug fixes concerning plugin instance un-subscribtion
    (unsubscribtion of certain plugin was not triggered).
  PR:             ports/117416
  Submitted by:   maintainer (Robin Gruyters)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.48      +3 -2      ports/security/prelude-manager/Makefile
  1.21      +3 -3      ports/security/prelude-manager/distinfo

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