cvs commit: ports/Tools/portbuild/scripts pdispatch

Kris Kennaway kris at
Wed Dec 26 16:28:52 UTC 2007

Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 02:45:39PM +0100, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 02:25:42PM +0000, Mark Linimon wrote:
>>>> linimon     2007-12-24 14:25:42 UTC
>>>>  FreeBSD ports repository
>>>>  Modified files:
>>>>    Tools/portbuild/scripts pdispatch 
>>>>  Log:
>>>>  Add the standard 6-line header and URL to all build failure logs, not
>>>>  just the plist ones.  If the log is less than 1000 lines after the 
>>>>  header,
>>>>  include it all; else, trim to last 1000 lines.
>>> Thanks!  It always annoyed me having to wait like forever while my
>>> browser downloads some thousand-line errorlog just for last ten-or-so
>>> lines' sake.
>> Not sure what you mean, this only affects the emails, and they 
>> previously only included the last 1000 lines anyway.
> Sorry, I should have looked into actuall diff before replying.  In this
> case, we could have add "trimmed" log somewhere on pointyhat, perhaps.
> Usually it's the end of the log what contains most important info; when
> needed, full log can always be seen.

I think this will be more trouble than it is worth.


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