cvs commit: ports/Mk ports/lang/ruby18 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/lang/ruby18/files patch-ext+dl+extconf.rb patch-ext_extmk.rb patch-mkmf.rb

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Sat Jan 14 05:52:15 PST 2006

Mathieu Arnold píše v so 14. 01. 2006 v 14:42 +0100:
> +-le 14/01/2006 13:25 +0000, Pav Lucistnik écrivait :
> | +		--with-openssl-include=${PREFIX}/include
> I'm sure that's not what you want, unless you want to force us to use ports
> openssl.

Actually, this is noop when you don't have ports openssl installed, and
it's needed to get ports openssl used properly, when it's present.

You're right I should make it more obvious, I'll work on that.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

Do not meddle in the fashions of wizards,
for they are seasonal and quick to fall out of style!
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