cvs commit: ports/audio/slimserver Makefile distinfo

Brooks Davis brooks at
Sat Oct 29 21:15:16 PDT 2005

On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 07:16:01PM -0700, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> If memory serves me right, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > brooks      2005-10-28 20:21:25 UTC
> > 
> >   FreeBSD ports repository
> > 
> >   Modified files:
> >     audio/slimserver     Makefile distinfo 
> >   Log:
> >   Upgrade to slimserver 6.2.0.  New features include:
> >    - Built-in support WMA radio and files for all operating systems.
> >    - Wake-on-LAN function.
> >    - Seven day alarm.
> >    - Replay gain support.
> >   
> >   Revision  Changes    Path
> >   1.19      +1 -4      ports/audio/slimserver/Makefile
> >   1.10      +2 -2      ports/audio/slimserver/distinfo
> Thanks!
> So I actually had some problems with the server spontaneously dying for
> no reason I could fathom (I didn't know how to troubleshoot this).  I
> tried to do some research on the SlimDevices Web forums and discovered
> that 6.2.0 appears to have a reputation for being unstable, at least
> compared to 6.1.1.  It seems like the plan is to roll a 6.2.1 sometime
> "soon".
> (For myself, I downgraded to 6.1.1.  This seemed like the wisest thing
> to do late last night when I was messing with this stuff.)

I saw a report to that effect my self, but haven't seen this issue my
self.  I think there must be some sort of interaction going on for some
people and not others.

-- Brooks

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