cvs commit: ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20 Makefile pkg-plist

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri Nov 18 23:57:50 PST 2005

marcus      2005-11-19 07:57:49 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    x11-toolkits/gtk20   Makefile pkg-plist 
  * Use X11BASE rather than PREFIX or %D to search for icons
  * Make sure ${X11BASE}/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache exists by
    touching it.  Otherwise, the cache file would not appear until icons
    were actually installed, and this was breaking some port builds on
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.162     +4 -1      ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/Makefile
  1.92      +3 -2      ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/pkg-plist

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