cvs commit: ports/graphics/lcms Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/graphics/lcms/files Makefile.bsd patch-32bit patch-config patch-icc34

Kirill Ponomarew krion at
Sun May 23 12:09:06 PDT 2004

krion       2004/05/23 12:08:26 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    graphics/lcms        Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
    graphics/lcms/files  patch-32bit patch-config patch-icc34 
  Removed files:
    graphics/lcms/files  Makefile.bsd 
  - Update to version 1.12
  PR:             ports/67083
  Submitted by:   Ports Fury
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +23 -14    ports/graphics/lcms/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -2      ports/graphics/lcms/distinfo
  1.8       +0 -18     ports/graphics/lcms/files/Makefile.bsd (dead)
  1.3       +2 -2      ports/graphics/lcms/files/patch-32bit
  1.3       +8 -6      ports/graphics/lcms/files/patch-config
  1.3       +7 -6      ports/graphics/lcms/files/patch-icc34
  1.6       +9 -9      ports/graphics/lcms/pkg-plist

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