cvs commit: ports/www/apache2 Makefile.modules

Clement Laforet clement at
Fri Mar 26 09:05:04 PST 2004

clement     2004/03/26 09:05:03 PST

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    www/apache2          Makefile.modules 
  - s/ac_cv_pthreads/apr_cv_pthreads/ (due to changes in 2.0.49)
    WITH_PTHREAD_LIBS and WITH_PTHREAD_CFLAGS are now working again
    WARNING: This option is still NOT offically supported.
    You can't flame me,but you still cansend me some backtrace ;-)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.11      +3 -3      ports/www/apache2/Makefile.modules

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