cvs commit: ports/mail/zmailer Makefile

Mark Linimon linimon at
Sat Jan 10 14:03:12 PST 2004

linimon     2004/01/10 14:03:10 PST

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    mail/zmailer         Makefile 
  Reset maintainer to ports at .  From private email from the previous maintainer:
    Time constraints prevent me from maintaining this port properly. I
    apologize for being unable to serve the community better, but life
    has gotten in the way of things as usual.
    The build issue here seems to be a rather strange one, and has to do
    with compiling on the alpha. I have no way of troubleshooting this
    myself, since I don't have  access to the build environment.
    The port requires some heavy-duty updating and it's really not
    something I have much time to work on. Unfortunately.
    I hope someone else will take over from me.
  Thanks to Alex for his work on this port.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +1 -1      ports/mail/zmailer/Makefile

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