cvs commit: ports/ftp/lukemftpd Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/ftp/lukemftpd/files patch-ftpd.c patch-logutmp.c patch-logwtmp.c

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at
Wed Aug 18 09:37:25 PDT 2004

David O'Brien wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 01:50:21PM +0200, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>>>  Log:
>>>  Go ahead and rush the 2004-08-30 deprecatation since the port is now
>>>  FORBIDDEN due to a vulerability.  I really don't think anyone is 
>>> going
>>>  to put the effort into un-FORBIDDENing it.
>> Would you please remove the port from the categories Makefile?
> Sorry I forgot that one, its been a while since I rm'ed a port.
> I need to investigate MOVING it seems (not sure why that didn't happen
> with the depreciation...), but I'll fix the ports build now from this
> issue.

No problem, I was just doing a little cleanup.

MOVED entries should only be made when the old port has actually been 
deleted. Existing tools (e.g. portupgrade) consult MOVED only when they 
can't find the original port, and I may mark e.g. OpenLDAP 2.1 client as 
deprecated (which means that new installations should use the 2.2 
version) while keeping it around for a couple of months in order to 
support existing installations. Only when it is finally removed the 
migration via MOVED is mandatory.


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