cvs commit: ports/mail/metamail Makefile

Mark Linimon linimon at
Mon Apr 12 14:59:41 PDT 2004

linimon     2004/04/12 14:59:41 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    mail/metamail        Makefile 
  Although it pains me to do this (look at the listing of the directory
  as to why :-) ), the distfile survey reports that Nathaniel's original
  site for this software is long gone.  A Google search shows the mirror
  that I added to be the best option, and that the most recent distfile is
  from 1994.  The only other links refer to security problems; although
  all the known ones have been fixed, Debian claims that:
    We have been devoting some effort to trying to avoid shipping metamail
    in the future.  It became unmaintainable and these are probably not the
    last of the vulnerabilities.
  Accordingly, mark it as 'deprecated'.  If anyone is using this code,
  they should prepare to adopt the port and address any security concerns
  going forward.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.24      +4 -1      ports/mail/metamail/Makefile

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