cvs commit: ports/multimedia/kino Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/multimedia/kino/files patch-aa patch-ab patch-ac patch-ad patch-ae patch-af patch-ag patch-ah patch-ai patch-aj patch-ak patch-al patch-am patch-an patch-ao patch-ap patch-aq ...

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Sat Apr 10 11:01:25 PDT 2004

On Sat, Apr 10, 2004 at 09:49:20AM -0700, Pierre Beyssac wrote:
> pb          2004/04/10 09:49:20 PDT
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Added files:
>     multimedia/kino      Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist 
>     multimedia/kino/files patch-aa patch-ab patch-ac patch-ad 
>                           patch-ae patch-af patch-ag patch-ah 
>                           patch-ai patch-aj patch-ak patch-al 
>                           patch-am patch-an patch-ao patch-ap 
>                           patch-aq patch-ar patch-as patch-at 
>                           patch-au patch-av patch-aw patch-ax 
>                           patch-ay patch-az patch-bb patch-bc 
>                           patch-bd patch-be patch-bf patch-bg 
>                           patch-bh 
>   Log:
>   Kino 0.7.0.
>   Kino is an IEEE 1394 DV non-linear video editor.
>   Note: IEEE 1394 and V4L are disabled in this port.

Could you explain why (shortly)?

>   1.1       +74 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-aa (new)
>   1.1       +19 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-ab (new)
>   1.1       +19 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-ac (new)


>   1.1       +11 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-bf (new)
>   1.1       +11 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-bg (new)
>   1.1       +10 -0     ports/multimedia/kino/files/patch-bh (new)

AFAIK ``patch-xy'' is an old, deprecated naming scheme, superseded by
``patch-path::to::file::to:patch.ext'' one.  Considering large number of
patch files for this port, it would be probably hard to "navigate"
through all these patches.

Also, did submitter (or you) feed patches back to Kino's authors?


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