cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs Makefileports/editors/xemacs-devel Makefile ports/editors/xemacs21 Makefile

Gary Jennejohn gj at
Mon Oct 13 02:29:36 PDT 2003

gj          2003/10/13 02:29:34 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    editors/xemacs       Makefile 
    editors/xemacs-devel Makefile 
    editors/xemacs21     Makefile 
  Xemacs seems to be generally broken on sparc64. Add NOT_FOR_ARCHS=sparc64
  to the Makefile.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.76      +2 -0      ports/editors/xemacs-devel/Makefile
  1.75      +2 -0      ports/editors/xemacs/Makefile
  1.69      +2 -0      ports/editors/xemacs21/Makefile

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