cvs commit: ports/databases/postgresql-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-message pkg-plist

Sean Chittenden seanc at
Wed Oct 1 00:21:42 PDT 2003

seanc       2003/10/01 00:21:41 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    databases/postgresql-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-message 
  Update to the latest snapshot for 7.4beta3.  Mostly bug fixes, but the
  most significant change is the ability to change PostgreSQL's block size
  with the nob: WITH_PGBLOCKSIZE=("16K"|"32K").  Release notes:
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.127     +24 -8     ports/databases/postgresql-devel/Makefile
  1.40      +4 -1      ports/databases/postgresql-devel/distinfo
  1.8       +15 -0     ports/databases/postgresql-devel/pkg-message
  1.45      +13 -0     ports/databases/postgresql-devel/pkg-plist

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