cvs commit: ports/sysutils/ganglia-monitor-core Makefile

Brooks Davis brooks at
Fri Nov 14 11:49:28 PST 2003

On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 06:22:31AM -0800, Tilman Linneweh wrote:
> arved       2003/11/14 06:22:31 PST
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     sysutils/ganglia-monitor-core Makefile 
>   Log:
>   "Fix the location of the gmetad state files.  I missed the fact that it
>   the string defining the default moved from one file to another in the
>   last update so the documentation was corrected, but the actual default
>   was not.
>   Fix PTHREAD_LIBS support so it works if there's a libpthread installed."

Thanks for the quick response.

-- Brooks

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