cvs commit: www/en/ipv6 Makefile ipv6.ent w6l.sgml

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz at
Sun Feb 5 12:20:59 UTC 2012

bz          2012-02-05 12:20:58 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository (src committer)

  Modified files:
    en/ipv6              Makefile ipv6.ent 
  Added files:
    en/ipv6              w6l.sgml 
  Start adding a skeleton page for given the webserver
  is signed up pointing to /ipv6/ for IPv6 specific information.
  Do not provide the Logo for now until the license details can be sorted.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +2 -1      www/en/ipv6/Makefile
  1.3       +3 -2      www/en/ipv6/ipv6.ent
  1.1       +58 -0     www/en/ipv6/w6l.sgml (new)

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