cvs commit: www/de includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl www/de/docs books.sgml man.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/releases index.sgml www/de/security security.sgml

Johann Kois jkois at
Wed May 31 14:12:17 PDT 2006

jkois       2006-05-31 21:10:48 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    de                   includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml 
                         includes.xsl index.xsl 
    de/docs              books.sgml man.sgml 
    de/news              news.xml press.xml 
    de/releases          index.sgml 
    de/security          security.sgml 
  MFbed:  Update the German website.
  www/de/includes.sgml                    fixes only
  www/de/includes.xsl                     fixes only
  www/de/includes.navdownload.sgml        fixes only
  www/de/index.xsl                        1.150 -> 1.151
  www/de/docs/books.sgml                  1.18  -> 1.21
  www/de/docs/man.sgml                    1.5   -> 1.7
  www/de/news/news.xml                    1.398 -> 1.404
  www/de/news/press.xml                   1.193 -> 1.196
  www/de/releases/index.sgml              1.109 -> 1.110
  www/de/security/security.sgml           1.184 -> 1.185
  Obtained from:  The FreeBSD German Documentation Project.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +11 -3     www/de/docs/books.sgml
  1.3       +4 -2      www/de/docs/man.sgml
  1.6       +2 -2      www/de/includes.navdownload.sgml
  1.30      +4 -4      www/de/includes.sgml
  1.26      +3 -3      www/de/includes.xsl
  1.32      +3 -3      www/de/index.xsl
  1.45      +107 -2    www/de/news/news.xml
  1.28      +24 -2     www/de/news/press.xml
  1.17      +9 -9      www/de/releases/index.sgml
  1.15      +12 -2     www/de/security/security.sgml

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