cvs commit: www/ru/news news-rdf.xsl news.xml www/ru/projects newbies.sgml

Denis Peplin den at
Fri Oct 22 06:39:59 PDT 2004

den         2004-10-22 13:39:59 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    ru/news              news.xml news-rdf.xsl 
    ru/projects          newbies.sgml 
  Merge the following from the English version:
     1.220 -> 1.239 news/news.xml
     1.5 -> 1.6 news/news-rdf.xsl
     1.36 -> 1.37 projects/newbies.sgml
  Obtained from:  The FreeBSD Russian Documentation Project
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +8 -5      www/ru/news/news-rdf.xsl
  1.27      +180 -2    www/ru/news/news.xml
  1.9       +3 -5      www/ru/projects/newbies.sgml

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