cvs commit: www/en/gnome index.xsl www/en/gnome/docs Makefile develfaq.sgml

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Dec 27 15:03:12 PST 2003

marcus      2003/12/27 15:03:10 PST

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    en/gnome             index.xsl 
    en/gnome/docs        Makefile 
  Added files:
    en/gnome/docs        develfaq.sgml 
  Add a new FAQ concerning development branch tracking.  This should help users
  with tracking development releases of GNOME, plus give them information on
  reporting bugs, known issues, and what more they can do to help.
  The bulk of this work was by adamw, with some additional content and
  formatting changes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.11      +2 -1      www/en/gnome/docs/Makefile
  1.1       +173 -0    www/en/gnome/docs/develfaq.sgml (new)
  1.44      +4 -3      www/en/gnome/index.xsl

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