cvs commit: doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook Makefile txtfiles.ent doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Fri Dec 12 19:40:27 PST 2003

hrs         2003/12/12 19:40:25 PST

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook Makefile 
    ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/introduction chapter.sgml 
    ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml 
  Added files:
    ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook txtfiles.ent 
  Catch up with the English version:
          1.72  -> 1.74   handbook/Makefile
          (new) -> 1.2    handbook/txtfiles.ent
          1.85  -> 1.96   handbook/introduction/chapter.sgml
          1.329 -> 1.330  handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.59      +1 -1      doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/Makefile
  1.29      +58 -42    doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/introduction/chapter.sgml
  1.60      +1 -12     doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml
  1.1       +72 -0     doc/ja_JP.eucJP/books/handbook/txtfiles.ent (new)

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