EfS Summer Design Studio in New York
The Cloud Institute
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Fri Jun 1 15:09:56 UTC 2012
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-EfS Summer Design Studio
- Camp Snowball in Tucson, AZ
- Project Blue Planet for Kids
Stay connected and learn more about the work we're doing in your
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Camp Snowball is about building our collective capacity to shape the
We live in an increasingly interconnected and complex world in which
the ways we live in one place affect people and ecosystems elsewhere.
Camp Snowball prepares us to face the challenges of our time by using
two proven approaches: systems thinking and education for
Join us July 9th-13th in Tucson, AZ to develop your capacity to
teach systems thinking and sustainability, support students ability to
become leaders in their schools and communities. MORE (
http://campsnowball.org/program )
Project Blue Planet has been developed in celebration of the
Smithsonian National Zoo’s new seal and sea lion exhibit, Friends of
the National Zoo invites you to help keep our ocean blue! Compete to
earn your school a “Seal” of Approval by entering "Project Blue
This contest challenges kids nationwide to involve their schools and
communities in conservation. We will provide the tools to get started,
and National Zoo Green Team members will be on hand to help along the
way. Design a project for Waste, Energy. Habitat, Lifestyle - or
something unique!
One lucky group from each of three categories—elementary, middle,
and high school—will win a $1,500 cash prize towards continuing
their green (and blue!) efforts. MORE (
http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Education/BluePlanet )
June 2012
The Cloud Institute's Annual Summer Design Studio is designed for
educators, faculty, curriculum supervisors, administrators, and
community leaders who want to learn how to design and embed EfS into
their curriculum, assessments and organizational learning strategies.
FIVE DAY EfS DESIGN STUDIO ($850 per participant)
As teams or as individuals, participants will learn how to design and
embed EfS into their curriculum, programs and assessments.
Administrators and supervisors will learn how to develop performance
assessments, professional development plans, and organizational
learning strategies that educate for sustainability.
Some questions that will be addressed include:
How can we design elegant units of study that educate for
sustainability and what explicit criteria can we use to assess student
work for evidence of EfS?
What are the core EfS content, performance standards/outcomes and
indicators we can use to design learning opportunities and assess
student learning?
How can we align EfS Core Standards/Outcomes with the ones our
school/State require?
Can we integrate EfS units into our curriculum mapping software?
How can Understanding by Design (UBD) or a “backwards
design”approach contribute to the design of EfS curricula?
Or register ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/summer-design-studio )
for the One Day Introduction to Sustainability for just$150!
Introduction and “The Fish Game” Simulation
This hands-on workshop engages participants in an interactive,
replicable learning experience that combines systems thinking tools
with interdisciplinary content for a deeper understanding of our role
in moving toward a sustainable future. A discussion of ‘mental
models that contribute to sustainability’ and ‘behaviors and
strategies that contribute to sustainable outcomes’ provide
participants with a hopeful paradigm for education and community
Quality of Life Indicators
What is an indicator of progress? What indicators do we currently use
in our society? Are these the best measures of our quality of life
and, if not, what would be better measures?
“Diminishing Resources” Activity
How can you, your colleagues, and your students use systems thinking
to address problems? How do you know you are distinguishing the
problem from the system? How can you ensure that you don’t make your
problem worse in the long run and create new problems? This session
will make use of critical systems thinking tools of Education for
Sustainability (EfS) in order to create a framework for effectively
identifying and solving problems.
The Natural Laws and Principles
What are the operating instructions for the planet? Are we abiding by
them? Do we have
a choice?
Click Here ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/summer-design-studio ) to
learn more and watch videos from last year's Summer Design Studio:
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education prepares K-12 school
systems and their communities to educate for a sustainable future by
inspiring educators and engaging students through meaningful content
and learner-centered instruction. Our services include: consulting and
leadership development; professional development and coaching;
curriculum design, assessment, mapping, and alignment, and
facilitating school and community partnerships.
We define Education for Sustainability (EfS) as a transformative
learning process that equips students, teachers, and school systems
with the new knowledge and ways of thinking we need to achieve
economic prosperity and responsible citizenship while restoring the
health of the living systems upon which our lives depend. EfS has
multiple, positive effects on student achievement, school culture,
community vitality, and ecological integrity.
307 Seventh Avenue Suite 1201, New York, NY 10001 ph. 212.645.9930 fax
212.645.9931www.cloudinstitute.org ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/ )
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