cvs commit: ports/audio/clementine-player Makefile ports/audio/clementine-player/files patch-src-devices-cddadevice.h patch-src-devices-cddalister.cpp

Ruslan Mahmatkhanov cvs-src at
Mon Jan 16 19:12:49 UTC 2012

Veniamin Gvozdikov wrote on 16.01.2012 23:04:
> I'm agree.
> 2012/1/16 Ruslan Mahmatkhanov<cvs-src at>:
>> Max Brazhnikov wrote on 16.01.2012 22:38:
>>>>    Log:
>>>>    - let it build with stock gcc
>>>>    - optionify ipod and mtp support (default on)
>>> This type of `port optionification' leads to a nasty problem of hidden
>>> dependencies when options are unchecked, but corresponding libraries are
>>> presented. Please consider to commit the patch, which makes optional
>>> support
>>> really optional.
>>> Max
>> You are right, thank you.
>> Veniamin, do you have any objections if this patch will be committed?

Committed, thank you!


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