cvs commit: ports/mail/rbl-milter/files

Doug Barton dougb at
Sat Jan 14 22:58:47 UTC 2012

These changes are completely useless, FYI.

I didn't not do this by accident. :)

Also, you're quoting, not escaping. And if you insist on quoting these
then the proper way to do it is to use single quotes, not double.
However, it's not necessary to quote them at all, and I would actually
prefer that you didn't do it at all.

And yes, I realize that there is a proliferation of bad examples to the
contrary. That's beside the point.


On 01/14/2012 06:52, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> dinoex      2012-01-14 14:52:13 UTC
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     mail/rbl-milter/files 
>   Log:
>   - escape shell names
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.4       +2 -2      ports/mail/rbl-milter/files/


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