cvs commit: ports/devel/pinba_engine Makefile distinfo ports/devel/pinba_engine/files

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Thu Jan 12 14:20:28 UTC 2012

Em 12-01-2012 14:40, Michael Scheidell escreveu:
> On 1/12/12 8:38 AM, Wesley Shields wrote:
>> Just a quick note for anyone who reads this: Users should _NEVER_ set
>> USE_* in /etc/make.conf.
> in theory and in practice.... 
Microwave owens were not designed to dry cats. And documentation did not 
say that until someone tried. Since then it is included in the 
documentation. Our documentation is clear on the USE_* and 
WITH_*/WITHOUT_* flags so it's no use arguing about something that is 
wrong and the fact of being wrong is also documented. We cannot do 
anything more with those people that do so ignoring the official 


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