cvs commit: ports/editors Makefile ports/editors/ged Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

Johan van Selst johans at
Wed Jan 4 09:23:41 UTC 2012

Hi Doug,

Doug Barton wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what is different/better about this than our
> already-existing ed?

I have forwarded this question to the person who asked me to add this,
but got no clear response yet. As far as I can tell, it's a reasonable
attempt at a POSIX/BSD-compatible ed. It lacks some of our more exotic
features (such as -x), but seems pretty compatible. And then of course
they slapped an info page and a GPLv3 licence on it.

Actually, I don't really see the benifit of this port. But there was
a request for it and it seemed like little effort to maintain it ;)

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