cvs commit: ports/audio/emms Makefile ports/databases/bbdb Makefile ports/databases/lsdb Makefile ports/deskutils/howm Makefile ports/deskutils/org-mode.el Makefile ports/deskutils/planner.el Makefile ports/deskutils/remember.el ...

Ashish SHUKLA ashish at
Wed Feb 22 16:12:38 UTC 2012

Philip M Gollucci writes:
> I don't understand you're rationale for the PORTREVISION bump here.  I
> don't see and shlib bump in emacs or emacs-devel.  What am I missing ?

Some of the dependent ports install files in version-dependent Emacs site-lisp
directory, i.e. ${PREFIX}/share/emacs/${EMACS_VERSION}/site-lisp .

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116  20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0!ashish |

Avoid Success At All Costs !!
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